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Monday, November 12, 2007

Quitting Smoking, yet again

Ok- day one with the patch and I havent taken anyone out yet at home or at work- so far so good. This will be the thirs time I have quit in my smoking career. When I was pregnant at a young 19- and then again when I was 30 - yeah, I know, it was a long stretch! And now, I committed again to trying to stop for good after my 33rd birthday.
I know it's bad for me, but sometimes I felt I had to indulge in that guilty pleasure. But, it's better to be able to breathe, that and I want to be able to play with my grandchildren.

1 comment:

Mel :) said...

good on you! it will do wonders for your health. all the best!!!

My Kids on Halloween

Swimming !

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