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Friday, April 18, 2008

Long time no blog

Hi all- well, these things do happen, meaning, when I don't get a chance to write everyday- I do try, but sometimes domestic needs call- that and work and family etc etc- you know the anyways, working hard freelancing-
I never really went into what it is my hubbo and I do- he is a web developer and I am a graphic artist and marketing goddess lol
I was working a lot full time when he and I first met - and he was my inspiration to go back to school and pursue a dream....remember those?
I had my son at 19 years of age, and dropped out of college to work and raise him- something I NEVER regretted- don't get me wrong for one second, my son is a true blessing in every sense of the word-
But, now that he is older, and both children aren't toddler age anymore- I have had time to think of things I wanted to do to better myself.
And so, begins my journey, to be able to make more money, be around my family more and really feel like I have accomplished something great.
Like Frank McCourt's mother used to say... "that's your dream out now..."
'Tis, Angela, 'Tis......
until next time...

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My Kids on Halloween

Swimming !

My son and his cousins trying to be good for the camera- it took about 6 takes!

My husband the Lizard Man- yes, we are reptile fanatics!

Got to love Frank! Chinese Theater Hollywood

Me and my boy in Venice CA

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