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Friday, April 4, 2008

Hello All

I'm back- been typing my head off for what seems like days- doing the freelance fishing lol- so far so good- I am also looking for other ways to make a little extra on the side- so any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Other than that, let's see- searching for a new home - yes, you heard it here- we are buying in California! Anyways, I think we found the house- as long as they take the offer- THEY BETTER! LOL, just kidding human rights people- no violent tendencies here, just poetic license.
Anyways, it's a cool house, so if we get it, I may just have to post pics all about it-that and the new dog which should be arriving in about a month- haven't told the kids yet- we want it to be a surprise!

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My Kids on Halloween

Swimming !

My son and his cousins trying to be good for the camera- it took about 6 takes!

My husband the Lizard Man- yes, we are reptile fanatics!

Got to love Frank! Chinese Theater Hollywood

Me and my boy in Venice CA

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