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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More on the Dog

THE ROTTWEILERS I SAW LAST NIGHT WERE ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!!!! We went to a great breeder and saw generations of these wonderful dogs- from 2 months to 11 years old! It was a fun experience- I am a total animal lover!
My hubby and I each have a child from a previous marriage, and are unable to have a child between us - so this dog will be like our new baby- I am very much looking forward to it-
I have always had that maternal instinct from a very young age- it started with my kitty that I had when I was 2- her name was Bumble ( go figure lol!) and I would dress her in doll clothes and push her around in a baby buggy- she was such a good tolerant cat!!!!!
Someday I would love to have a horse- but, they are VERY expensive! But one can dream~~~~~!!!!!!!

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My Kids on Halloween

Swimming !

My son and his cousins trying to be good for the camera- it took about 6 takes!

My husband the Lizard Man- yes, we are reptile fanatics!

Got to love Frank! Chinese Theater Hollywood

Me and my boy in Venice CA

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