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Friday, January 18, 2008

A Friday Meme for YOU!

OK , here are my answers for the Friday Meme- try doing it yourself also and leave me answers in the comments-

1. The last compliment I got was from my hubbo_____; he/she said ___I was smart!__.
2. I'm reading _nothing new right now, I need to go to the library!___.
3. I woke up today and thought _thank god it's Friday!____
4. Why does _Starbucks taste so good?____.
5. The last thing I ate was __Dinner last night- tortellini :)___.
6. January... __is a borning cold month....___.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __a Harley Ride___, tomorrow my plans include _motorcycle ride and dinner____ and Sunday, I want to __SLEEP IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!___!

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My Kids on Halloween

Swimming !

My son and his cousins trying to be good for the camera- it took about 6 takes!

My husband the Lizard Man- yes, we are reptile fanatics!

Got to love Frank! Chinese Theater Hollywood

Me and my boy in Venice CA

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