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Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Home

It's been a long time since I have been able to write- we have been moving into our new home- better neighborhood- nicer neighbors- and we got a good deal on it considering the bad market.
It's been mostly me and hubbo doing a majority of the work- due to the fact that my son was in NY on a class trip ( Napoleon Dynamite: Lucky!) and baby was with her mother meeting Christie Yamaguchi at Cheryl Burkes studio opening. ( She is on Dancing with the Stars)
So, while these children were enjoying themselves and having a great time meeting famous folks and seeing Broadway musicals- me and hubbo were toiling and tarrying away- trying to get the damn house empitied!
Now, I will admit, I am not the tidiest person in the world-yes, you heard it here first, I am not really a pack rat or anything like that- hubbo, on the other hand, not only has enough crapola for god knows how many people- his ex kept dropping off more crap to add to the already monumental amount of crap that was in the garage! I am not kidding, it has taken us 6 days to move out of the old house- this should have been over long before that- I am so sick of moving! I will be glad when it is all over- then we have the new house to tackle- ee gad!
I am happy here though, don;t get me wrong- it is a cute house- and we don't have to move again because it was bought- so that's a good thing!
So here it is, noon on Father's Day, and I actually slept in and am having coffee still-unbelievable!
Well, it should be over and done with soon- let's all hope!

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My Kids on Halloween

Swimming !

My son and his cousins trying to be good for the camera- it took about 6 takes!

My husband the Lizard Man- yes, we are reptile fanatics!

Got to love Frank! Chinese Theater Hollywood

Me and my boy in Venice CA

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